
I am exhausted!

Have you every felt that way? Like everyone and everything just makes you exhausted. I do not necessarily mean physically but mainly spiritually or emotionally. I think my feeling of exhaustion is coming from myself. Man, do I put the pressure on strong. Don't get me wrong, I am not a girl who crumples when given a task or has to have five "resting" days a week. I thrive when I am moving and doing, I think it is my nature. However, there comes a point when it is just too much. I have been putting pressure on myself to be the best at my job. To me, commendable is not good enough, I want superior. So I work hard and am constantly frustrated with myself when I do something wrong. That is not healthy. I am always pressured to do well in school and somehow I am always just mediocre. I have put a ton of pressure on myself to be involved in church. I want to live up to this potential that I know I have but somehow I always fall short. For example, I wanted to lead a ministry in my Youth Group. I was really excited and had a lot of ideas however, I waited too long to speak up and go for it and now another young lady has taken over that position. By the way, kudos to her for stepping up and doing it, it really makes me proud of her. Anyway, when I found this out, I kind of said "what do I do know?" I mean I thought this was my thing and now it is not anymore because I failed to...nope I just failed. I hurts me because I feel like this is a constant uphill battle for me. I feel like I can never live up to my expectations and in turn can NEVER live up to anyone else's expectations of me. I do not want to spend my whole life being the girl who "could've" but right now that is where I am. Sorry that this is so lame and kind of sad but no one reads this anyway so who cares.


Blogger of the Moment

I am a lover of blogs. Design blogs, fashion blogs, love blogs, food blogs, dog blogs...you get the picture. I do not know if it is the pictures or the stories but I just find myself spending a lot of my time reading blogs. After awhile I tend to develop a semi relationship with the person, semi because they have no idea who I am. Recently, I came across a new blog, http://www.llymlrs.com/, and BOY! am I in love.

The blogger is Lily Melrose and shes live in the U.K. and I think we are the same person cut in half and placed on opposite sides of the world. Of course, I am exaggerating but I want you all to see how excited I am. She has a style sense I only wish I could afford or possess the body to have. All in All, she is a lover of style and design and I am never disapointed reading http://www.llymlrs.com/. Please, Please check her out you will not regret it.


Melodic Monday

So this is my first posting of Melodic Monday. My goal with this post is to highlight some sort of musical item, whether it be a great artisit, awesome music video, or another topic pertaining to music. I hope in doing this your and my eyes and ears will be opened to different types of music, because, like they say, music is for the soul.

For my first post I want to bring your attention to an artist I have been following for a couple years now. I first saw her CD at Target and was immediately drawn to it. I don't remember if it was the fiery red hair or the bright yellow shirt, but I suddenly found my self in love with A Fine Frenzy. I immediately bought the CD and listened to it on the drive home and I must say it did not disappoint. The mix of her smooth voice, relaxing piano, and amazing lyrics made me an instant fan. Her first CD One Cell In The Sea spoke of the loss of love and finding yourself in the midst. Her sophomore album Bomb In A Birdcage definitely carries a more carefree spirit sprinkled with a few songs about heartache.

The biggest reason I fell in love with A Fine Frenzy is because you can relate her songs to any area of your life and her natural cuteness helps contribute to her likeability:) All in All, I have never been more happy about an impulse decision in my life. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present A Fine Frenzy.

Video Links:





So I think I am ready to begin this blogging adventure for real this time. I am making some changes, such as actually posting and I hope you all with come with me on the ride. You can expect my first post tomorrow called, Music Monday! I hope you enjoy!
Much Love,


This Week!

Holy Cow! This is the last week until finals and man am I having homework overload, really for just two classes, but it is a lot. Anyway, I have not posted a lot on here lately so I thought I would do a quick post showing some positive things I am excited about this week amid all the stress. So here it goes...;)

1. I am excited about Zours! They are probably my favorite candy and they are only sold at Walgreens, so... Dear Walgreens, please keep selling Zours. Your humble friend, Amanda

2. I am real excited I finally put pictures in my frames. Now I can see all your lovely faces everyday:)

3. Today I decided to start another knitting project mainly because the color gray was boring me. And yes for those who were wondering, it is going to be a scarf.

4. I have been really excited lately about the Holy Bible. I know that should always excite me but if I am being honest these past few months have be really terrible in the "quiet time" area and I think that transfers over into other aspects of my life. So this week will be a new beginning for me, keep me accountable. No, really you can.

5. I love that my Youth America bracelet is still going strong. It really bugs me but I think winning, which I will do no matter how many people doubt me, is more important than annoyance. YOU ARE GOING DOWN ELISE!!!!!

6. AUDREY HEPBURN FLATS! I have always wanted a pair of these and now I have them. They are a little snug but I will break them in, even if it take a bazillion blisters. I just love them soooo much.

7. I love that I got a butt-load of movies for a great price at a Blockbuster closing in Arnold. All these movies are ones I could watch often and I plan to. My collection is growing!

Well those are all the things that are making me happy this week and Lord knows I could use a little more happiness. Hope your world is full of laughter.

Much Love,




Emotions are a funny things sometimes. They are the most unpredictable things about being human I think. Currently, these are the two emotions I am plagued with and honestly I do not know why. Sometimes I wish I could be emotion less or never have to feel heavy emotions but in reality we learn from them. Emotions make us human. They allow us to love, to feel free, and to laugh without ceasing. They may also make us feel unworthy, disliked, or frustrated, but to me I would gladly take the bad so I can experience the good. I think the cost is worth it. Just remember, we may have emotions naturally but we control our emotions, our emotions do not control us. I cannot wait to move on from this period into the true joy God has waiting around the corner:)
Much Love,


Read This!

So today during my quiet time with God I decided I should read Jude. Jude is a one chapter book but it has some great things to say. These were my favorite verses.

"But you my, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God's Love.
And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgement. Show mercy to still others but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives."
Jude 1:20-23

I think what really stuck out to me in these verses is what we as Christians are supposed to do around fellow Christians and non-Christians. The first part talks about building each other up and waiting on the Lord. When we get together with fellow Christians we are supposed to encourage each other in our walks with God and worship and pray together in his name. That is how we are built up in our walk of faith. By being built up we can then go to non-Christians and show them mercy and help bring them to Christ like the Great Commission calls for us to do. But we are supposed to make sure we don't get caught up in the sin that they have in their lives. It kinda goes together. Without being built up by fellow Christians we can't go out and bring people to God. Its a cycle:)